It snowed yesterday morning. Since I moved away from Boston in part to escape winter, this was a discouraging development. To make matters worse, I live in a beautiful high-ceilinged old apartment with gorgeous picture windows that retains about as much heat as a ventilation shaft. I’m too cheap to turn on the gas, which can run to about $200 a month (to give a sense of scale, that’s just under the amount I pay for rent), and the only clothes I have were packed with China’s tropical heat in mind. I wrote my roommate, who’s currently in Kabul, to see if she had any suggestions for avoiding hypothermia.
‘Let’s look into electric heaters? Isn’t that what other poor people do?’
And, in a separate email: ‘its so hot here. im so glad i brought that sleepingbag.’
Kabul: temptation rears its ugly head, yet again (see ‘The Detroit-Kabul Connection‘).
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